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Kapampangan: A Regional Language Endangerment

$ 42.5

Published: 2022-09-16
Category: Studia języków obcych
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“Kapampángans are killing Kapampángans. Not by guns nor swords, nor weapons of any kind… but by linguicide."– Kevin Montalbo

This book mainly tackles the endangerment of Kapampangan as one of the regional languages in the Philippines. Indung Kapampangan is home to the Austronesian language known as the Kapampangan. The Philippines' northern island of Luzon is where the homeland of the Kapampángan is situated. Its center is the province of Pampanga, which encompasses Bulacan, Bataan, Nueva Ecija, and the southern portion of Tarlac. Since approximately 2 million people speak Kapampangan, the language does not initially appear to be in danger. However, a language's population alone cannot determine if it is endangered. Studying its in-depth factors, the Kapampangan language is gradually being forgotten as a mother tongue, is dying, and is in terminal decline, particularly in highly urbanized cities of Pampanga.

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