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The Secret Heart

$ 64.5

Published: 2023-08-07
Category: Health Care, Medicine
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This Book is the official documentation of a very specific time in the life of the authoress, Akshayaa Vibho, focussing on her One Month long stay in Dublin, Ireland in September 2022. It is an entirely self written piece of literature and all graphic illustrations given in the Book are the original works of Akshayaa Vibho, which she decided to share with the world in order to inspire the readers. Not only does the Book tell the real story of the design and creation of Akshayaa Vibho’s first ever Artificial Heart named Riu, it is also the only publication of her entire Hypothesis for the same which she had submitted to the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in October 2022 as described throughout this work. Therefore, all copyrights for written and graphically illustrated material contained within ‘The Secret Heart’ are reserved with Akshayaa Vibho. 

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