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Choice in Digital Antitrust Law

$ 42.5

Published: 2022-01-04
Category: Prawo
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This research aims to determine the significance of the use of behavioral features in the modern digital economy both by companies and antitrust agencies, as well as outline the potential scope of such use - by indicating possible abuses and remedies. The goal of the research is the identification of the framework for the use of behavioral insights by antitrust agencies in the process of shaping a competitive market structure as well as an illustration of the potential of behavioral economics for competition law. Thus, this book will disclose the main behavioral features and ways that are widely used by companies and that have an effect on our everyday life and impact our decisions.
Hence, potentially this research would assist companies and provide them with the framework regarding actions with behavioral patterns and which usage of them can be seen as anti-competitive by antitrust agencies. As a result, this will allow companies to introduce new products without doubts and fears that their activity can be fall under the light of anti-competitive practice. Moreover, outlining the potential competition law infringements caused by the application of behavioral economic insights will indicate the development of the trend of creating behavioral regulation as well as in designing competition law remedies. 

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