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Cultural Dimensions in International Business

$ 42.5

Published: 2023-11-23
Category: Business and Economics
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The influence of Cultural Distance on the international operations of enterprises has been a longstanding and significant topic in international business. However, there has been ongoing debate in the field regarding the measurement dimensions of Cultural Distance and its effects on the internationalization of firms. This study employs bibliometric techniques to review and analyze empirical research articles on Cultural Distance published in leading international journals since 1988. Based on this analysis, the paper integrates the cultural distance dimensions of Hofstede, GLOBE, and Schwartz into the CAGE distance framework model, incorporating Administrative, Geographic, and Economic Distance. The study then conducts empirical analyses of the impact of CAGE distance on international business activities, including international investment, trade, and transnational tourism. It also discusses the differences and theoretical contributions of measuring cultural distance based on Hofstede's six dimensions, Hofstede's four dimensions, GLOBE dimensions, and Schwartz’s dimensions. Finally, this research provides recommendations for multinational enterprises engaged in internationalization efforts.

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