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An Analysis of Challenges in Learning English Encountered by Medical Students at Mili IHE

$ 42.5

Published: 2023-08-29
Category: Education
Category Foreing language study
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The central position English holds in global communication is unquestionable. English, with its magisterial rank, is a pre-requisite for success in almost all disciplines. Due to its increasing influence and growth, teaching English has been deemed integral and has been given exclusive attention in the education sector of Afghanistan. Therefore, teaching English has a long story in the history of Afghanistan. Though English was a part of school curriculum before the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, it gained much popularity as a means of unlocking plenty of job opportunities, earning free-of-cost scholarships to pursue further education abroad, staying connected to the world, and being used as a lingua franca since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2001. Therefore, what triggered this research to be carried out in this discipline is its invaluable nature and central significance in the realm of education for the people of Afghanistan. Over the course of the last 21 years, English learning centers started to come into existence in a wide variety of places in Afghanistan, and a huge number of people from roughly everywhere turned to learning English as a foreign language. However, in spite of taking measures to an extent, the quality of teaching/learning English has remained relatively unyielding. Educators and teachers at private institutions have made timeless endeavors to adopt the best approaches in teaching English, and they have been successful partly too; conversely, no satisfactory findings can be seen to address the challenges students have been encountering in learning English, at a general level. 

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