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Climate Change Adaptation and Insurance in China: Law and Policy

$ 45.5

Author: Qihao He
Published: 2022-07-13
Category: Law
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Climate change is one of the most fundamental challenges in the world. China is not only the world‘s leading emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) but also is seriously suffering from various climate disasters. Traditionally, the Chinese government has played a major role in compensating victims of climate extremes which is known as the—Whole-Nation System. However, more and more climate catastrophes remind policymakers of improving the Whole-Nation System and introducing other mechanisms, especially insurance mechanisms. Insurance transfers and spreads risk climate change risk. It can provide direct financial protection to those affected by climate change. It has received attention for its regulatory function in influencing policyholder behavior. This book examines the functions of insurance in climate-related compensation and in governing complex climate-related risks by describing the variable performance of such insurance schemes in China. Insurance can perform a useful regulatory function in adaptation to climate change.

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